I made a normal puffy nipple map for Skyrim in the past, and I thought it might be possible to do the same with AI girls.
The first step is to create a puffy nipple mesh in Blender.Next, I created a normal map of only the nipple in Substance Painter.
After that, I combine it with the normal map in Substance Designer.
Unlike Photoshop and Gimp, it is composed by nodes. The more you make, the easier it is to automate the process of making later.Substance Designer can be used to create textures as well as to compose textures.If you’re wondering whether or not to buy Substance Painter and Substance Designer, you should definitely buy them as a set.
Shadows are now appearing around the areola in the 3D model. Yeah!
This can be changed in the “Body detail” setting.
[stinger722]puffy nipple normal.zipmod (mirror*)
*Direct download not allowed
** There is a recommended setting for the nipple. Here is a example character. Collar for DHH.